Lab News and Awards

Cofrin Logan Center Open House September 2019, Front Row: Jama Bettis, Megah Shah, Saron Demeke, Catherine Serwatka, Dannie Dilsalver, Back Row: Cassie Sutton, Hailey Taylor, Dr. Tera Fazzino, Kaitlyn Rohde, Omar Raheel

Cassie Sutton, M.A.,(2024 Kansas Capitol Graduate Research Summit Presenter) “Ultra-processed, Hyper-palatable, and Energy-dense Foods in the U.S. Food Supply: Prevalence Across 30 Years.”

Kelly Knowles: 2022 Kansas Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (KINBRE) Fellowship to conduct an independent research project

Audrey Rips-Goodwin: 2022 Kansas Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (KINBRE) Fellowship to conduct an independent research project

Saron Demeke: 2021 Undergraduate Research Award from the KU Center for Undergraduate Research

Dannie Dilsalver: 2021 Undergraduate Research Award from the KU Center for Undergraduate Research

Alexis Exum: 2020 award for Outstanding MA Thesis for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Saron Demeke: 2020 Kansas Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (KINBRE) Fellowship to conduct an independent research project

Dannie Dilsaver: 2020 Kansas Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (KINBRE) Fellowship to conduct an independent research project

An article written by Dr. Fazzino, Kaitlyn Rohde, and collaborator Dr. Debra Sullivan was selected as a top 5 winner for The Obesity Society Annual Meeting in November 2019. Dr. Fazzino presented their work in a featured symposium.

Press coverage of the study can be found here

Dr. Fazzino's interview on NPR's Central Standard

The Conversation: Why it can be hard to stop eating even when you’re full: Some foods may be designed that way

Morgan Buoy: 2020 Undergraduate Research Award from the KU Center for Undergraduate Research to conduct an independent research project

Megah Shah: 2019 Accepted into the University Scholars Program

Kaitlyn Rohde: 2019 Undergraduate Research Award from the KU Center for Undergraduate Research to conduct an independent research project

Heather Schneider: 2019 Beulah Morrison Memorial Scholarship in Psychology at KU

Catherine Serwatka: 2019 Beulah Morrison Memorial Scholarship in Psychology at KU

Amani Raheel: 2018 Honors Opportunity Award from the University Honors Program at KU to present at a national scientific conference